Everybody is familiar with the fact that the gems are being used in astrology for averting misfortune and curing diseases, both mental and physical from the immemorial times. Usually gems are prescribed for wearing as rings or as amulets. It is said that the planet which is weak in the horoscope must be found by the studies and observation of symptoms and the amount of deficiency of the planet should be ascertained with care. Vedic astrology developed in India. The prescribed gem should be equal in weight to the number of Parmanus (ions) deficient.
The astrologers seem to know that one rati (roughly a carat) of a gem contains so many millions of ions, and accordingly prescribe gems of different weight for different persons. sometimes one carat is enough but sometimes 2, 3, 4 or even 5 carats are prescribed.
In vedic astrology, the fundamental subject of the research is the role of nine planets in the horoscope which are said to govern the entire life of the person from the birth till death. The nine planets are the emitters or reflectors of different colors. The reflected and emitted rays of colors provide distinctive color to each planet.
In diseases also gems are prescribed in astrology. It is believed that certain diseases are created by certain planets. The astrologers found a law long time ago that the diseases created by a certain planet can also be cured by the gem sacred to that planet. Fortunately, this law is a sheet anchor in the selection of cosmic color radiations. The significance of colors has been proved by the modern scientists in recent times but it is known to the astrologers and the people before the development of modern science. For instance, a weak Sun creates Anemia and therefore, Ruby gem is prescribed for this for red color radiations.
A weak Moon causes insanity and can be cured by Pearl or orange color radiations.
A weak Mars, for instance, causes a disease such as piles which can be treated with Red Coral gem or yellow color radiation.
A weak Mercury will cause diseases such as boils, ulcers, increase of flesh in different organs and these can be treated with Green Emerald gem or green color radiations.
A weak Jupiter will produce diseases as vomiting and obesity and these can be treated with Topaz or sky blue radiations.
A weak Venus will give diseases like diabetes, sterility, weak sperm system and they can be treated with Diamond gem or Indigo color radiation.
A weak Saturn causes number of chronic diseases as cancer( a deadly disease), arthritis,(a dreaded disease), rheumatism and various diseases of the mind like foolishness and many more but they all can be treated with Blue Sapphire, the gem sacred to the planet Saturn or the Violet color radiation be given to cure the patient.
Besides the seven planetary gems , there are two other forces which are most difficult to harness. These are the forces of Rahu and Ketu, the two invisible planets and the forces of darkness. The most dreaded diseases are caused by Rahu and they can be treated with Gomed (Onyx), the gem sacred to Rahu.
The gem Cat's eye is sacred to Ketu, the other invisible planet having a wavelength longer to that of Sun. Ketu causes number of diseases, and Cat's eye gem may be used to combat these diseases.
A list of diseases caused by the several planets as obtained from astrological works referred to above is given below. But it may be remembered that the results and the observations may vary. The list may give guidance to those who practice Gem therapy and Cosmic Ray Therapy.
COLOR- RED (combination of orange and red)
Ruby gives red cosmic radiations.
In astrological findings Ruby is recommended for the following diseases-
Heart diseases in general, Headache, Diminished Vision, Indigestion, Loss of glow and Anemia.
Ruby is also indicated in Emaciation(Extreme thinness), Prolonged Fevers, Loss of Appetite, Eye Diseases and various mental troubles.
COLOR- WHITE(reflects orange color radiations of the sun)
Pearl gives orange cosmic radiations.
COLOR- RED(reflects the yellow rays of the sun)
Red Coral gives yellow cosmic radiations.
Red Coral is recommended for the following diseases caused by weak Mars.
These include Liver Diseases, Impure Blood, Measles, Small Pox, High Blood Pressure, Anemia , Ulcer, Emaciation, Boils, Ring worms, Bleeding, Blood Dysentery, Piles, Fistula, Toothache, Difficulty in urination, Sexual Diseases, Diseases of Joints, Fever, Accidents etc.
Red Coral is also suggested for Innate, Idleness, High Depression and Impatience.
COLOR- GREEN(emits green color radiations)
Green Emerald gives green color cosmic radiations.
It is helpful in Leucoderma, Pains, Dumbness, Deafness and Fondness for Show.
COLOR- ORANGE YELLOW(reflects blue rays of the spectrum)
Yellow Sapphire gives sky blue color cosmic radiation.
COLOR-PURE WHITE(reflects indigo cosmic rays)
Diamond gives indigo color cosmic radiations.
Diamond is recommended for the following diseases caused due to weak Venus-
These include Sterility, Diseased Sperms, Diabetes, Syphilis, Uterine Diseases, Hernia, Fear of Women, Weakness, Emaciation, Premature Old Age, Idleness, Aversion to Food, Leucorrhoea, Diseases due to Drunkenness, Gonorrhoea and Delusions.
COLOR- BLACK(reflects violet cosmic rays)
Blue sapphire gives Violet color cosmic radiations.
Blue Sapphire is recommended for the diseases caused by the weak Saturn. Neuralgic Pains, Deafness, Deformed Legs, Enlarged Spleen, Paralysis, Dropsy, Nervous Diseases in General, Trembling of Hands, Feet, Legs, Neuritis, Epilepsy, Pain in the Joints, Hysteria, Mental Diseases, Unconsciousness, Foolishness.
Gomed(onyx) is recommended for the defective Rahu and the diseases caused due to it. Rheumatism, Worms, Diarrhea, Small Pox, Aversion to Food, Suicidal Tendency, Rheumatic Tumors, Constipation, Swellings of the Uterus, Diseases of Brain, Liver Diseases etc.
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The astrologers seem to know that one rati (roughly a carat) of a gem contains so many millions of ions, and accordingly prescribe gems of different weight for different persons. sometimes one carat is enough but sometimes 2, 3, 4 or even 5 carats are prescribed.
In vedic astrology, the fundamental subject of the research is the role of nine planets in the horoscope which are said to govern the entire life of the person from the birth till death. The nine planets are the emitters or reflectors of different colors. The reflected and emitted rays of colors provide distinctive color to each planet.
In diseases also gems are prescribed in astrology. It is believed that certain diseases are created by certain planets. The astrologers found a law long time ago that the diseases created by a certain planet can also be cured by the gem sacred to that planet. Fortunately, this law is a sheet anchor in the selection of cosmic color radiations. The significance of colors has been proved by the modern scientists in recent times but it is known to the astrologers and the people before the development of modern science. For instance, a weak Sun creates Anemia and therefore, Ruby gem is prescribed for this for red color radiations.
A weak Moon causes insanity and can be cured by Pearl or orange color radiations.
A weak Mars, for instance, causes a disease such as piles which can be treated with Red Coral gem or yellow color radiation.
A weak Mercury will cause diseases such as boils, ulcers, increase of flesh in different organs and these can be treated with Green Emerald gem or green color radiations.
A weak Jupiter will produce diseases as vomiting and obesity and these can be treated with Topaz or sky blue radiations.
A weak Venus will give diseases like diabetes, sterility, weak sperm system and they can be treated with Diamond gem or Indigo color radiation.
A weak Saturn causes number of chronic diseases as cancer( a deadly disease), arthritis,(a dreaded disease), rheumatism and various diseases of the mind like foolishness and many more but they all can be treated with Blue Sapphire, the gem sacred to the planet Saturn or the Violet color radiation be given to cure the patient.
Besides the seven planetary gems , there are two other forces which are most difficult to harness. These are the forces of Rahu and Ketu, the two invisible planets and the forces of darkness. The most dreaded diseases are caused by Rahu and they can be treated with Gomed (Onyx), the gem sacred to Rahu.
The gem Cat's eye is sacred to Ketu, the other invisible planet having a wavelength longer to that of Sun. Ketu causes number of diseases, and Cat's eye gem may be used to combat these diseases.
A list of diseases caused by the several planets as obtained from astrological works referred to above is given below. But it may be remembered that the results and the observations may vary. The list may give guidance to those who practice Gem therapy and Cosmic Ray Therapy.
COLOR- RED (combination of orange and red)
Ruby gives red cosmic radiations.
In astrological findings Ruby is recommended for the following diseases-
Heart diseases in general, Headache, Diminished Vision, Indigestion, Loss of glow and Anemia.
Ruby is also indicated in Emaciation(Extreme thinness), Prolonged Fevers, Loss of Appetite, Eye Diseases and various mental troubles.
COLOR- WHITE(reflects orange color radiations of the sun)
Pearl gives orange cosmic radiations.
Pearl is recommended in the following diseases caused due to weak Moon. Diabetes,Tuberculosis, Dropsy(edema),Diarrhea, Scrofula(tuberculosis of the neck), Colic, Filaria, Jaundice, Sexual weakness,Eye diseases, Bladder diseases, Weak mind, Fearful, Restless, Dissatisfied, Impure conduct, Impure action, Helplessness, Blameworthy, Drunkard, Impure eating habits and many more. Pearl is also prescribed in difficulty in urination, Insanity and various mental diseases.
PLANET -MARSCOLOR- RED(reflects the yellow rays of the sun)
Red Coral gives yellow cosmic radiations.
Red Coral is recommended for the following diseases caused by weak Mars.
These include Liver Diseases, Impure Blood, Measles, Small Pox, High Blood Pressure, Anemia , Ulcer, Emaciation, Boils, Ring worms, Bleeding, Blood Dysentery, Piles, Fistula, Toothache, Difficulty in urination, Sexual Diseases, Diseases of Joints, Fever, Accidents etc.
Red Coral is also suggested for Innate, Idleness, High Depression and Impatience.
COLOR- GREEN(emits green color radiations)
Green Emerald gives green color cosmic radiations.
Green Emerald is recommended for the following diseases caused due to weak Mercury.
Stammering, Childishness, Loss of Strength, Stomach disorders, Emaciation, Weak Digestion, Colic, Aversion of foods, Impotence, Mania, Want of Intelligence, Thieving and the rest.It is helpful in Leucoderma, Pains, Dumbness, Deafness and Fondness for Show.
COLOR- ORANGE YELLOW(reflects blue rays of the spectrum)
Yellow Sapphire gives sky blue color cosmic radiation.
Topaz or Yellow Sapphire or Moon Stone is recommended for the following diseases caused by weak Jupiter. These include Vomit, Cough, Rheumatism, Insanity, Paralysis, Diseases of the Throat, Palate and Liver Swellings, Breathlessness, Obesity, Diarrhoea, Apoplexy and Tumors.Spend Thriftness, Hypocrisy, Talkativeness, Purity mania, Self Importance are also curable.
COLOR-PURE WHITE(reflects indigo cosmic rays)
Diamond gives indigo color cosmic radiations.
Diamond is recommended for the following diseases caused due to weak Venus-
These include Sterility, Diseased Sperms, Diabetes, Syphilis, Uterine Diseases, Hernia, Fear of Women, Weakness, Emaciation, Premature Old Age, Idleness, Aversion to Food, Leucorrhoea, Diseases due to Drunkenness, Gonorrhoea and Delusions.
COLOR- BLACK(reflects violet cosmic rays)
Blue sapphire gives Violet color cosmic radiations.
Blue Sapphire is recommended for the diseases caused by the weak Saturn. Neuralgic Pains, Deafness, Deformed Legs, Enlarged Spleen, Paralysis, Dropsy, Nervous Diseases in General, Trembling of Hands, Feet, Legs, Neuritis, Epilepsy, Pain in the Joints, Hysteria, Mental Diseases, Unconsciousness, Foolishness.
Gomed(onyx) is recommended for the defective Rahu and the diseases caused due to it. Rheumatism, Worms, Diarrhea, Small Pox, Aversion to Food, Suicidal Tendency, Rheumatic Tumors, Constipation, Swellings of the Uterus, Diseases of Brain, Liver Diseases etc.
Cat's eye is recommended for the following diseases caused due to defective Ketu in your horoscope. Boils, Fissure, Cholera, Skin Diseases, Headache, Indigestion, Itching, Small Pox, Uterine Diseases, Dropsy, Cancer, Severe Asthma, Loss and diseases caused by enemies or men of low caste.
The list above given has been compiled from the astrological works and findings. The list is valuable by itself by providing wide scope for prescribing gem remedies.
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