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GEMS ARE MINES OF COSMIC RAYS The seven principal gems are the inexhaustible mines of the seven cosmic rays constituting the cosmos or the universe. These seven rays are seen on the rainbow in a regular order in the form of VIBGYOR. All tangible things in their ultimate state are nothing but condensations of these seven rays with which the first cosmic principle creates, maintains and destroys the universe with all its mobile and immobile contents. The Purana of Hindus declares that even the seven planets are the condensation of these seven cosmic rays. Like the planets these sacred gems are nothing else but the condensation of the seven cosmic rays. There are several reasons to employ them for curative diseases and for human good. First of all The gems show pure and single colors in abundance, and they are not of mixed colors, as we see things around. Secondly  The gems are exceedingly brilliant showing their rich content of rays. Thirdly  The gems readily discharge t


GEMS AND THEIR USE IN ASTROLOGY NINE GEMS Everybody is familiar with the fact that the gems are being used in astrology for averting misfortune and curing diseases, both mental and physical from the immemorial times. Usually gems are prescribed  for wearing as rings or as amulets. It is said that the planet which is weak in the horoscope must be found by the studies and observation of symptoms and the amount of deficiency of the planet should be ascertained with care. Vedic astrology developed in India. The prescribed gem should be equal in weight to the number of Parmanus (ions) deficient. The astrologers seem to know that one rati (roughly a carat) of a gem contains so many millions of ions, and accordingly prescribe gems of different weight for different persons. sometimes one carat is enough but sometimes 2, 3, 4 or even 5 carats are prescribed. In vedic astrology, the fundamental subject of the research is the role of nine planets in the horoscope which are said to gover


TEA Tea is awesome for your health. Tea is derived from the plant (CAMELLIA SINENSIS).  Camellia sinensis is an evergreen plant that grows mainly in tropical and sub-tropical climate.     Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over the leaves and leaf buds of tea plant (camellia sinensis). Tea can be hot or cold. There are different types of tea which have cooling, slightly bitter and astringent flavor. Have you ever heard that tea has so many varieties? Tea is generally divided in to four categories based on how it is processed. The leaves goes through different stages like withering, rolling, fermentation and drying. It has four varieties- Green, White, Oolong and Black Tea. All have a specific aroma,taste,color and benefits of its own. GREEN TEA HIGHLIGHTS Green tea is unprocessed, unoxidized and unfermented. Green tea is most anti-oxidant rich because its leaves are processed in a way to prevent too much oxidation. Green t